A perception is a set of
assumptions about a certain idea, event, phenomenon , person or group. It
depends upon the Intelligence level of the perceiver and the circumstances in
which the idea, event, phenomenon, person or group is being perceived. There can be more than one perception
of the same event, phenomenon, action,
idea, person or group or let us call it reality in short. If there are two observors perceiving the same
reality they would arrive at different conclusions. The
same is true about more than two observers.
Reality is relative and it is
perceived subjectively as a product of one’s intelligence level and external
conditions. To a person who knows about the biology of a man, the actions of a
person mean something else while for another person who is a student of
literature the same actions has different meaning. A person living with a fatal disease has
different priority in life than a person who enjoys good health. A person who is
struggling for economic survival due to his poverty might not indulge in highly
aesthetic activities and would consider them as secondary while another person
who considers self realisation and spiritual achievement as his summum bonum
might prefer death over a life which
just aims at achieving sensual and instinctual pleasures.
A society does not necessarily
need to have the same perception of reality to live together in a collective
form of existence. This also implies that diversity is the natural form of
social existence and should be encouraged in order for the society to follow
its natural route of evolution.
Variety in perception of reality leads
to pluralistic and democratic culture in a society. It is the basis of freedom.
Freedom gives birth to creativity and innovation. Progress emanates from the culture
which reinforces creativity. Progress transforms
old structures of the society into new one and gives birth to a culture which
has the ability to support the innovations.
All the exploiter classes in the
society like bureaucracy, military, clergy
and landlords are aginst freedom of expressions and difference of opinion as
their monoploy is challenged by the variety of opinions and perceptions in a
society. The pillars of the ruling elite always support status quo and socio-political
stagnation to expand and strengthen their network of exploitation. Blind
following instead of research in religious inquiry, dictatorship instead of democracy
in political realm, brahmanism instead of social equality in social affairs and
capitalism instead of social justice in economic matters have been the basic
postulates of life-philosophy propagated by these enemies of humanity througout
human history.