A Documentary Film on Pashtuns

This is the synopsis of a documentary which I had in mind some months ago. It might help as a wake up call for the Pashtuns to stand for their rights and better future.

25 June 2011

A Documentary Film on Pashtuns


To make a documentary film which shows the historic glory of Pashtuns across the timeline of history and call for struggle for a better future. 


 Music on traditional pashtun music instruments (rabab). 

Poetry of Malang Jan/Ghani Khan/Khushhal Khan /Hamza Baba. 

Voice of Abseen Yousafzai or vocalist of the same caliber. 

Google World maps to be used to show historical territories.

Pictures of Pashtun historic personalities. 

Scenes of Pashtun territories (if possible). 

Theme for Script

Start : Pukhtana de tola lass sara yaw kandi…… by Ahmed shah baba 

Current Situation : depicting deteriorating situation of Pashtuns as compared to historic glory of Pashtuns

Past Situation The glorious history and challnging geography of Pashtuns along with their virtues ,values and ethical code called Pakhtunwali

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